The Story of Our Time Capsule
In the spring of 2021, the Centennial Events Committee decided to query the congregation through an email survey to determine if installing a time capsule would be of interest as part of the Centennial celebrations. Kyle Boston agreed to head up the time capsule committee. Members included Ray Dugan, Manny Burrell, Kathleen O’Leary, Paula Aguayo and Sarah Bryan. Monthly meetings were held on Zoom to make decisions about how much information to include, what would be most representative of our times and region, and of the Centennial celebrations, special music and photography at the Cathedral. Over time, roughly 25 items were gathered, as a result of email blasts and committee members contributing items that had been decided upon. These items, most of which span the 2020-2021 time period, were then added to a box, blessed by Bishop Jennifer Reddall at the 10 p.m. service on Christmas Eve, 2021. The time capsule was placed in the columbarium and will be opened in 2071
Trinity Cathedral Time Capsule
Trinity Centennial 2021
Consecrated Christmas Eve 2021
Please open in 2071
Time Capsule Contents:
- Recording of “In Our Own Words” video project, parts one and two
- Recording of Lessons and Carols and order of service, December 19, 2021
- Mask, vaccination card, and “I was vaccinated” sticker
- Poem by Amanda Gorman read at the 2021 Presidential Inauguration
- Religious postage stamps for Christmas
- Two issues of Phoenix Magazine
- Public transportation map
- Photos of Christmas Eve service and blessing of the time capsule by the Right Reverend Jennifer A. Reddall, Bishop of Arizona, December 24, 2021
- Friends of Music at Trinity membership card
- Two sermons from the Very Reverend, Troy D. Mendez, Dean of Trinity Cathedral
- Name tag for Amy Carlile, Senior Warden
- Copies of major headlines from the Arizona Republic from 2020 to 2021
- AZ Episcopalian Magazine Fall 2021 and Spring 2020
- Two coin sets 2021
- The 21 Sunday after Pentecost order of service, with preacher The Most Reverend Michael B Curry, 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church
- 2022 Stewardship Promise Brochure
- Arizona Republic article about the 100 Years of Photographs exhibition, November 21, 2021
- Arizona Republic Newspaper from October 20, 2021
- Inside Willo local magazine
- Joe Biden campaign information
- 100 Years of Photographs exhibition images on USB drive
- A piece of glass from the Cathedral window, saved from the 2002 fire
- A purificator decommissioned after the 2002 fire