Leadership at Trinity

Trinity Cathedral is governed by the Bishop, the Dean and the Chapter. The Dean is the Cathedral’s senior priest and is jointly called by the Chapter and appointed by the bishop as the senior priest (in other churches, known as the rector) with all the duties and responsibilities of the Senior Pastor at any church.

 The Chapter is the cathedral version of the Vestry, or Board of Directors. The Chapter comprises members of the congregation elected for three-year terms by the annual meeting of the Cathedral parish. The Chapter is led by 2 peoplle: a Senior  Warden & Junior Warden.

Authority for spiritual leadership, teaching, liturgy, and pastoral care of the community lies within the Dean’s areas of responsibility. Administration, stewardship, and management of staff also fall to the Dean. The Chapter is responsible for finance, buildings, and other material and real property. 

The Cathedral and its Chapter are governed by a set of bylaws, most recently updated in October 2022 and available to view here.

The Right Reverend Jennifer A. Reddall
[email protected]

The Reverend Canon Erika von Haaren
[email protected]

Serving Members