Trinity Cathedral has a vibrant music program which serves both our worship community and the Phoenix community at large. Quality instruments, accomplished and dedicated musicians, and an ideal acoustic environment encourage energetic congregational participation in our worship. The music program supports and encourages our liturgy while offering a rich variety of outside musical events through our Music at Trinity Series.


The choir program consists of three talented and diverse ensembles: The Cathedral Choir, Trinity Singers, and the St. Nicholas Choir (youth choir), all under the direction of the Canon Musician. The choirs of Trinity Cathedral are liturgical ensembles, singing for one or more of the weekly liturgies.

The Cathedral Choir
A semi-professional ensemble comprising both professional staff singers and excellent volunteer musicians.  The range of literature extends from the Renaissance through Contemporary periods and represents the best of the Anglican choral tradition. The Cathedral Choir is one of the premier ensembles in the greater Phoenix area, serving the weekly 10:00 a.m. liturgy as well as singing the service of Solemn Choral Evensong on the last Sunday of the month during January to May.

The Trinity Singers
A group of fine volunteer musicians serve on occasional Sundays at the 10:00 a.m. service on the last Sunday of each month.

St. Nicholas Choir
The St. Nicholas Choir provides an opportunity for children to experience learning to sing together in a choir. The St. Nicholas Choir sings at both the 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. services, on occasion.

The Instruments
The Cathedral houses two fine instruments: a four-manual, 71-rank Schantz pipe organ installed in the choir, and a hand-crafted, nine-foot, Bösendorfer concert grand from Vienna, Austria. Both instruments are in high demand by performers from across the country.

Music at Trinity is the musical outreach of Trinity Cathedral. Our goal is to sponsor a wide range of artists and musical programs in performance to the greater Phoenix community.  Artists range from internationally-recognized performers to fantastic local talent; well-established groups to newly-formed ensembles that hold great promise. Musical offerings range from organ concerts to chamber music and the Festival of Lessons and Carols. With some exceptions, these concerts are provided free of charge; we see this as our gift to community.

Click | To visit the Music At Trinity web site
Click | To view the current concert calendar

Canon Musician Erik W. Goldstrom

A native of the Chicago area, Erik W. Goldstrom has been Canon Musician for Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix, Arizona, since 2010. As Trinity Cathedral’s Organist and Choirmaster, he conducts three choirs and serves as artistic director of Music at Trinity, the musical outreach program of Trinity Cathedral.

Dr. Goldstrom holds degrees from Northwestern University (summa cum laude), Southern Methodist University (where he was awarded the Dora Poteet Barclay Award for Outstanding Organ Performance), Perkins School of Theology (summa cum laude), and Stanford University where he received his Ph.D. in Musicology. His teachers of organ performance include Ralph Sunden, Richard Enright, Robert T. Anderson, Kimberly Marshall, and Robert Bates.

Dr. Goldstrom has performed throughout the United States, UK and Europe, most notably at Lincoln Cathedral, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, the Madeleine, and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris. He has also appeared at national conferences sponsored by the American Guild of Organists and the Association of Anglican Musicians. Erik has both commissioned and premiered works by several notable American and Canadian composers, including Jeffrey Smith, David Jaffe, Frank Ferko and Stephanie Martin.

Erik lives in Phoenix with his spouse Michael Garland and their high-energy rescue Lab, Trapper.

Canon Musician
Erik W. Goldstrom |
602  254-7126 ext. 320