Centennial Timeline
Timeline Color Key | Trinity Cathedral (Blue) | City of Phoenix, AZ (Brown)
Before 1900 | 1900-20 | 1920-40 | 1940-60 | 1960-80 | 1980-00 | 2000-20 | 2020-40 & Beyond
Prophet Ideas
To get the generations, especially the young, young adults, with older adults.
Become a center of truth and reconciliation inspired by conversing not only with those we know, but also with those we do not know. Building the Beloved Community.
Saturday evening services 5-6 pm
More shade in courtyard; more services in courtyard
More great online content, like Erik’s great organ education series
Trinity could be a home for spiritual growth, meditative space, spiritual direction, enclosure
A strong bilingual community
Improvements to courtyard: more shade, sculpture, repaint labyrinth, mobile stage with lighting
Field trip to zoo or aquarium
Improve and renovate cathedral campus
Youth and children program
More smiles please
Water Day between May-June
Who is our connection with ASU Downtown?
Invite more members! and more opportunities to get to know new members and make connections.
Fundraisers for the church: crafts, baked goods.
Place trash and recycle receptacles in courtyard.
Secure courtyard with iron fence to close after work and open in daytime.
Have an event for neighborhood residents. Music/food.
Post links, articles to congregation from ENS (Episcopal News Service)
The small dinner groups brought us closer together. Let’s do them again!
More sustainable practice @ Trinity. Solar?
Reach out to local not-for-profits → partnerships
First Friday events for neighbors.
Find ways to reach out to those living around us.
Children’s craft classes
Once a year mission trips to Mexico/South American countries.
Worship: Congregational songs that are easier to sing.
Explore connections between science and religion with downtown science centers.
Keep the tradition but ADD music to appeal to a younger demographic.
Feed the homeless cooking or baking competition.
I wish that Trinity had child care for working mothers.
Mariachis todos los domingos [Mariachis every Sunday]
Contemporary service.
Inclusion of all age groups.
Wish the readings were also printed in the bulletin. As so often audio is inoperative. Take home value.
Do more with the homeless – Justa Center
More community outreach with interfaith collaboration
Mentorship if you are new to the church/area

Large endowment for the future of the organ
Lecture series with downtown partners
Volunteer coordinator to assist Deacon with project and implementation
Explore connections between science and religion with downtown science centers; Invite Bishop Knisely to help develop program; include ASU students to participate.
Improvements to Courtyard: More shade, more sculpture, repaint labyrinth, mobile stage with lighting
How do we encourage families / children to return?
Establish strong ecumenical relationships
Be active with the Interfaith Network (remember Martha Seaman?)
With a new R.C. Bishop coming to the Diocese of Phoenix, we will return to a closer relationship with them like we used to have.
Congregation shall continue to be diverse
Congregational diversity that doesn’t feel diverse

How do we encourage families/children to return?
Shady places for people to sit
Be an oasis of beauty and serenity
Sun protected labyrinth

Encourage green space in Phoenix, especially downtown
More economic/political activism
Affordable housing in the area
There will be any more members living within a mile of Trinity Cathedral from new apartments and condos in our vicinity
Develop a space for children (ages 12-18?) in our community block to come and participate in a sports activity, an arts activity, etc.

What draws people to live in our neighborhood? What do these living places advertise to attract people. Art seems to be one draw. Certainly continue with the art and music. Maybe sponsor a craft or art fair with booths and food trucks. Open the doors I case they want to peek inside. They may return.
Closer connection with ASU downtown
Outreach to ASU students
We will have a closer relationship with the ASU campus that exists now within a mile of our church.
Neighborhood connections: meetings, advocacy, art center, game nights

Use for community meetings
Outreach to Garfield and surrounding neighborhood
Garfield School has opened its doors and invited us in to see what they are doing there. Could we draw them into our doors by holding a neighborhood fair where they could come climb on a fire truck, meet a policeman, eat…I wonder if we could provide transportation.
Children’s choir with neighborhood schools

Doors open all day
Diverse music to represent the diversity of the community
More inclusive (cultural and ethnic) worship and music
Offer a variety of music types (recall the consecration of Bishop Jennifer)

Return of the church bookstore
Opportunities for campus service projects: flowers, oil wood kneelers and pews
Trinity is integral in helping people find mental health care, housing, gainful employment in Central Phoenix. Not lip service…investment. Ministry with commitment. Homelessness –will it exist?
Idea board post Centennial
Members up to 800

Invite speakers in from ASU to start a connection. Open this to the public and advertise so we have a large enough audience for them.
Offer a variety of liturgies – all Episcopal, but more than the “high church” type
Sunday morning flow encourages contact among all across “borders”
We will rediscover our connection with the Interfaith Network
Big idea: Beloved Community

Create ‘furniture connection’ to those in need network…work with apartments and condos to donate furniture and clothing to those that need instead of tossing
Picture directory for congregation
Take more public stands on issues re: race, environment
Church picnic
Holiday activities for families (Halloween, trick-or treat, Easter egg hunt, etc.)

Monthly social outings (bowling, trivia, picnic, etc.)
Hub for Roosevelt Street Activities
Extend outreach to those residing in new apartments in downtown Phoenix
Community meeting space, i.e. AA , Scouts, lectures, special interest groups, youth support, “free university”
Daily public worship; offices/mass
Labyrinth walking events/sessions

Recognition that many faithful at Trinity come from outside the immediate area
Organize workdays. Super clean kneelers, for example – oil pews, plant flowers, etc.
We love what we take care of. Find ways to ask for caring.
Group volunteer activities (food, my starving children, trash clean up, soup kitchen, etc.)
Engagement in feeding people experiencing homelessness on a regular basis
I would like to see more children involved in our faith community, in worship as acolytes, in outreach, etc.
Establish a strong Godly Play Program
We will have an acolyte team that trains our young people thru adulthood to participate in the liturgy.
Extent guest preacher program