The Commentary

Dear Ones,

I pray you are well this week! I am so grateful for the incredibly good-natured way our community has banded together about moving our service times starting this Sunday: THANK YOU! In the times that it takes a village, you show over and over that you are able and willing – I’m inspired every time and I’m grateful! So remember: worship in English (with Livestream) is at 9 a.m. and worship in Spanish is at 11 a.m. See you there!

On the same token as our current HVAC issues for the whole complex, I believe the AC unit we have to regulate the temp of our organ felt a little left out from all the HVAC attention and so it has given up the ghost as well. Because it is an older unit that used a refrigerant that is no longer EPA-approved (and as a result isn’t manufactured anymore), we are now replacing that unit as well to the tune of $17,000. All told, this is a good price for a 5-ton unit including install, etc., but it isn’t the work or expense we were hoping to add on at this time!

All that said, you can help in one or both of these ways:

1. If you’d like to make a special gift toward this AC, you are most welcome! Cash and check donations mean we don’t have to pay a bank fee on it, so that’s how a gift can go furthest. If you give online HERE, then just put a note in the Memo line at the bottom that it’s for this purpose!

2. Do you have your annual pledge/giving to Trinity set to auto-pay? As we head into the summer with travel, etc., you can help our operating budget stay stable by simply making sure that your gift gets to us regularly every month. We run on a cash basis, so our summers get challenging when people are gone and we don’t have regular income. I urge you, however you can, to help by regulating your giving to Trinity. You can do this through your bank bill pay (usually no fees!) or through our online giving portal HERE (this is usually just about a 3% fee that either you pay or Trinity pays for online gifts).

I realize this all might feel a bit daunting to have to tackle these things during this time. But, this is the work we’ve been given to do in this season of transition to get you all ready for your next future. I hope that you will join me in giving to these causes, help us keep our operating budget stable over the summer, and assure the protection of our organ from the heat through whatever gift you might be able to make at this time. Your generosity is deeply appreciated!

Please be in touch with me if you’d like to learn more about how you can be part of Trinity’s health and future. And in the meantime, hold steady, friends. We’re getting through it together and we will continue to do so. God is with us.

See you in church at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. this Sunday!


The Reverend Canon Erika von Haaren
[email protected]