Timeline Color Key   |   Trinity Cathedral (Blue)   |   City of Phoenix, AZ (Brown)

Before 1900  |  1900-20  | 1920-40  | 1940-60  | 1960-80  | 1980-00  | 2000-20  |  2020-40 & Beyond



Downtown Phoenix is continuing to experience rebirth. The Roosevelt Neighborhood’s local eateries and parks are attractive to newcomers who live in the area.


Arizona voters pass Proposition 203, the English Language Education for Children in Public School Act. All classroom instruction must be conducted in English, using Sheltered English Immersion protocols.


The Cathedral leadership conducts a campaign to fund interior and exterior restoration projects in advance of the 80th Anniversary of the original Cathedral’s construction.


Olney Hall becomes Olney Gallery with changing art exhibitions. That same year Olney Gallery becomes part of the First Friday’s Art Walk in downtown Phoenix.

Photo top: Olney Gallery exhibit installation.

2001 October

The Cathedral Nave and Chancel renovation and new labyrinth landscaping that enhances the Cathedral Close, which is inviting for outdoor services and other events, are completed and rededicated.

2002 October 9

Fire! The Chancel is severely damaged; the rose window, most of the woodwork, the new, unfinished organ, and the grand piano are destroyed. Firefighters save some altar pieces. Smoke damage reaches the Cathedral House and Bishop Atwood House. “Bring our Cathedral back!” Dean McClain initiates efforts to restore the cathedral. Church services are held in the Cathedral Close the next Sunday and are attended by many firefighters in an emotional return to the site. The congregation and other sources fund the restoration. Local artist Vada Roseberry designs the Great Window, along with all the needlepoint cushions at the communion rail.


Construction begins on the Metro Light Rail.


The Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith elected as Fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Arizona.

Photo: Bishop Kirk Stevan Smith, 2004-2019.

2004 November

The Cathedral restoration is completed.


After the building restoration, the 5,401-pipe organ is restored, installed and tuned, and a new replacement 14-foot grand piano delivered.


Over the course of a decade, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio focuses on immigrant law enforcement, conducting saturation patrols and immigration sweeps, and targeting Latino neighborhoods and day laborers, and targeting businesses employing Latinos, arresting employees who are undocumented.


Bishop Smith names Archdeacon Veronica Ritson Cathedral Canon.

Photo: Archdeacon Veronica Ritson.

2005, April 1

The restored Cathedral is dedicated; the retiring Dean McClain officiates.


William Greeley is appointed Twelfth Dean of Trinity Cathedral until he becomes Rector of a church in Spartanburg, South Carolina.


ASU expands its downtown Phoenix campus.


Arizona House Bill 2064 creates the Office of English Language Acquisition Services, requires that all first-year English learners receive four hours of language instruction daily in school, and creates a funding source for English learner programs in Arizona public schools.


April Richard M. George is appointed Interim Dean of Trinity Cathedral.


The Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely is appointed Thirteenth Dean of Trinity Cathedral, until he becomes Bishop of Rhode Island in 2013. A member of the Society of Ordained Scientists, a community within the ordained ministry of the Anglican Communion, he also publishes Entangled States, a book that relates science with faith.

Photo: W. Nicholas Knisely, 2007-2012.


William Barnett serves as interim organist and choir Director.


A housing bubble bursts, placing many homeowners underwater on their mortgages, or their mortgages were foreclosed.

2009 January 24

The Rev. Myra Kingsley is ordained as a Deacon.

Photo: Deacon Myra Kingsley.


The Phoenix Metro Light Rail brings the Roosevelt Neighborhood back to its “streetcar” roots. The Light Rail cuts right through the middle of Downtown Phoenix along Central and 1st Avenue, and connects to West Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa, with further pending extensions. Phoenix Metro establishes the corner of Roosevelt Street and Central Avenue as its Arts District Light Rail Station.


The Rev. Carmen Guerrero begins ministry with a Spanish speaking congregation on Trinity’s campus during Dean Kniseley’s term.

Photo: The Rev. Canon Carmen Guerrero.


Canon Musician Erik Goldstrom joins the staff at Trinity Cathedral and founds the Music at Trinity concert series, offering a wide range of artists to the cathedral and greater Phoenix community. A music guild is formed in 2016 to support the concert series.

Photo: Trinity Cathedral’s doors open for concertgoers.


The Rev. Canon Mark Sutherland, who had been at Trinity since 2008, assumes the position of Interim Dean. His ministry continues to focus on congregational formation through intentional community building and the interface between spiritual and emotional health and development.

Photo: Dean Mark Sutherland, 2013.


2013 November 17

The Rev. Troy Mendez is appointed Fourteenth Dean of Trinity Cathedral. He also serves on the Board of Virginia Theological Seminary and serves as treasurer of the North American Committee of St. George’s College, Jerusalem. His first Sunday at Trinity is January 5, 2014, and his installation May 25, 2014.

Photo: Dean Troy Mendez, from 2013.


2014, February

The Arizona legislature passes SB 1062, and Governor Jan Brewer vetoes it on February 26. The controversial, anti-LGBTQ bill would amend an existing law requiring public accommodation to give any individual or legal entity an exemption from any state law if it substantially burdened their exercise of religion.

2014 February 25

Dean Mendez, on behalf of the Episcopal Church, appears on CNN with Anderson Cooper, voicing the Church’s opposition to SB 1062 and advocating for dignity and respect among all of God’s children.

Photo: Dean Troy Mendez argues against SB 1062 on Anderson Cooper 360.


2014 July 15

Dean Troy Mendez hires the Rev. Whitney Kirby, a newly ordained priest with extensive background in Christian education. She is hired to shepherd the Spanish-speaking ministry. On June 15, 2016, she is called to serve as chaplain at St. Andrews School in Austin, Texas.

2014 August

The Trinity Cathedral Choir performs in residence at St. Albans Cathedral in England.

Photo: Trinity Choir at St. Albans Cathedral in England.

2015 June 28

Archdeacon Veronica Ritson retires.

2015 October 3

Trinity’s Chapter unanimously adopts the mission statement, Welcoming all to be transformed in Christ through worship, fellowship, and service.

2015 November 20

Trinity receives a vocational resources grant from the Forum for Theological Exploration to connect with young adults to discern calls for ministry.

2015, October 16

Dean Mendez receives a Spotlight on Success Local Heroes Award from the non-profit One Community in response to his work advocating for statewide non-discrimination ordinances.

2015 December 17

Under Deacon Myra Kingsley’s guidance, Trinity hosts the first holiday party at Garfield School. This event marks the beginning of an ongoing partnership.

Photo: Trinity Cathedral members and Garfield students making crafts together.

2015 June 22

Dean Mendez preaches at St. Albans Cathedral in England for the St. Albans Community Festival.

2016 June

Dean Mendez is invited to speak at Abierto a Todos event at Univision.

2016 September 1

The Rev. Martha Johns begins ministry at Trinity and is recognized as a strong advocate for parish and prison ministries. She leaves Trinity July 31, 2017.

2016 November 12

The Phoenix Chorale performs a reprise of Duke Elllington’s Sacred Concert at Trinity Cathedral.

2017 May 1

The Rev. David Ulloa Chavez is called to Trinity to lead the Spanish-speaking portion of the congregation. He worked previously at Fuller Seminary as field placement coordinator and was called to Trinity while preparing to enter the ordination process in the Episcopal Church. His last service at Trinity is on November 3, 2019, when he begins ministry with the Diocese of Arizona as Canon for Border Ministries.

Photo: Newly ordained Rev. David Chavez and Rev. Susana Santibañez. Bishop Kirk Smith presenting the newly ordained Rev. David Chavez and Rev. Susana Santibañez.

2017 June

A heat wave grounds more than 40 airline flights of small aircraft, with American Airlines reducing sales on certain flights to prevent the vehicles from being over the maximum weight permitted for safe takeoff.

2017 November 15

The Rev. Canon Holly Herring arrives from All Saints, Phoenix. Her focus is on newcomer integration, liturgy, and pastoral care.

Late 2010s

After the 2008 housing bubble, metro Phoenix housing stock appreciates in value, and rents also rise. Homeownership is out of reach for many young people, and affordable housing is difficult to find.

2018 October

The Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall is elected Sixth Bishop of the Diocese of Arizona; installed on March 9, 2019; and seated at Trinity Cathedral on April 7, 2019.

Photo Top: Bishop Jennifer Reddall, from 2019.

Photo Bottom: Bishop Jennifer Reddall’s ordination and consecration, March 2019. 


Latinos represent 42.6% of Phoenix’ population.