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Dean’s Book Club
Dean’s Book Club – December 16 at 6:30 pm
Join December’s book discussion as we read together Gregory Boyle’s “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.”
In the words of the Los Angeles Times, “Destined to become a classic of both urban reportage and contemporary spirituality, Tattoos on the Heart is a series of parables about kinship and redemption from pastor, activist, and renowned speaker Father Gregory Boyle.” Order your copy, begin reading the book, and join us for an evening of conversation and reflection.
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Collect items to be included in our Time Capsule
A Centennial Call for Help
In conjunction with our Centennial celebration, a time capsule will be created to capture 2020-2021. The following list is based on a survey earlier this year. We hope you can help us by collecting any of the following items; Questions please contact Time Capsule Team Leader Kyle Boston at [email protected]. You can also suggest other things in your possession that you feel represent the 2020-2021 time period.
The completed Time Capsule will be concentrated into the columbarium during the late service, Christmas Eve 2021.
Call to Action
The collection of items is ongoing through November 7th.
Drop off items in the Olney Gallery on Sundays.
• Periodicals covering big News issues 2020-2021 (COVID, Racial issues, Election, Capitol Insurrection, etc.)
• Local magazines (Willow neighborhood /diocesan magazine etc.)
• Bulletin from a church service in 2020-2021
• Photos of Bishop & staff
• Photos of Trinity clergy/staff
• Current Photos of Trinity Cathedral & Campus (inside and out)
• Mask & (copy of) Vaccination card
• Interviews of Trinity members/ personal reflections
• Light rail map
• Amanda Gorman’s poem from the inauguration
• Recording of choir music at Christmas
• Current currency
• Copy of a sermon related to pandemic & other timely issues in 2020-2021
• Religious postage stamp 2020-2021